Create Dropdown List of Posts from a Category

You want to list posts from a category but don’t have much space for the list in your site? Simple, make the list in a dropdown box.

Create Dropdown List of Posts from a Category

Here, I’ll share the code to create this dropdown box. Also, as the result of this code, when the post in the list is selected, the user will be taken to that post.

How To

Place the code below in your sidebar or wherever you want to put the list, in your site :

	$cat_id = get_cat_ID('uncategorized');
	  'cat' => $cat_id,
	  'post_type' => 'post',
	  'post_status' => 'publish',
	  'posts_per_page' => -1,
	  'caller_get_posts'=> 1
	$my_query = null;
	$my_query = new WP_Query($args);
	if( $my_query->have_posts() ) {
	<form name="jump">
		<select name="menu">
			  while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post(); ?>
				<option value="<?php the_permalink() ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></option>

		<input type="button" onClick="[].value;" value="Go">


In this code, posts are from ‘uncategorized’ category. You can change the category to meet your needs.
If the list is to wide, you can set the width of select tag of the code via css.

Thanks to Lovely3000 and MichaelH from

23 Comments to “Create Dropdown List of Posts from a Category”

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  1. Matt says:

    Just what I have been looking for!

    How could I amend the script to not require the ‘go’ button? ie. when a the user clicks on the post name from the drop down list they are taken immediately to the post on mouse-up?


    • reza says:

      first, replace this line

      <select name="menu">


      <select onchange="[this.selectedIndex].value,'_top')">

      then delete this line:

      <input type="button" onClick="[].value;" value="Go">
  2. Stan says:


    Loving this script. Saved me hours of coding..

    I just have two questions:

    1. I am using it on custom post types, and the filter by category doesn’t seem to be working (its just bringing back the entire list) What would I need to change to get this to work correctly?

    I have just replaced your line with:
    $cat_id = get_cat_ID(‘category-name’);

    2. How can I default the first line of the drop-down box to read something generic like “Select an item from the list?”


  3. Tosh says:

    Hi again, I also want to have a drop down list of the posts for the category page. When I tried your code it displayed all of the posts from 01-A-Z, just like Stan said.

    I did manage to use this code and it worked, but it’s not complete. When I say not complete, I mean that for a category, I have 5 pages, but in the drop down menu, it only shows the posts for whichever page that I’m on. I want to show all 5 pages of Posts for that Category in the drop down list. This is where I tested it on:

    Please help me. Your site has been very educational and useful for me. Thanks


    <option value="”>

  4. Eric says:

    Great snippet!

    One thing I would like to do is order the posts by post title. My skills are a bit to basic to figure this out. Anybody knows how to do this?

    Cheers, Eric

    • Hi Eric,
      My knowledge of PHP is weak too, but I’ve played with Queries a bit. If you add:
      ‘order’ => ‘ASC’,
      ‘orderby’ => ‘title’
      to the $args=array(
      this will show titles in the dropdown in ascending order, DESC for descending. NOTE the comma after the second to last item and NONE after the last item, the word ‘title’.

      Although it seems like a complicated mess, the Codex is really helpful. Just gotta dig. Have a look at this:

      Also, by tinkering found that Reza is correct (was there any doubt? LOL). Adding –> <select style="width: 250px; background-color: #ffffcc" … to the beginning of that line works. I'm using this in a sidebar.

      Thanks Reza for this bit of Holy Grail. Been Googling for hours!

      • Eric says:

        Hi Michael,

        This is exactly what I was looking for. I did have a look at the Codex for this but so far did’nt manage to make the sorting work. Your code does the job, learned a bit more again :-)

        Thanks a lot!

  5. Great code and nearly the only one that works after a couple days searching and trying. The other is Dagon’s but it is so complicated I can’t style it; yours I can.

    But, a problem. The ONLY thing that is needed is the addition of a first selection with the drop down is clicked that is a kind of null. Most drop down setups have something like ” — Select from list — ” that goes nowwhere followed by the list of working links below that. This is needed because when the first item, an actual link, is clicked, nothing happens.

    So, how would we add such a link as always the first item in the drop down list?

    And thanks again for this code!


  6. Milos says:

    Hi, can you tell me how to when someone click on some post from dropdown list to open on same page in some div???


  7. gerae says:

    Thank you so much! This is EXACTLY what I was looking for!

  8. Rajeev says:

    Hi, i use the wp-store theme and i need the sorting of product in store page by the dropdown.
    sorting depend on the name and price. If i select the name from the dropdown then the product sort by name and if i select the price form the dropdown then product should be sorted by price.
    Is there any plugin for that, if so then refer me, otherwise please provide me the code for.
    I am very thankful to you this.

  9. Jeroen says:


    Great post. I want my dropdown menu to be shown on the sidebar of my blog / website. Could you tell me in what php file should i paste this code? I use the 2011 theme and made a child theme. I’m starting to understand wordpress a little bit but am a newby on making websites and php css, etc.

    Thanks Jeroen

  10. Alok says:


    Thanks for this wonderful piece of code.

    Is it possible that the post that is currently being browsed is automatically selected in the drop down.

    For e.g., if there are 10 posts viz post 1 to post 10 and a visitor is browsing post 5, then “post 5″ will be selected in the drop down.

    Thanks in advance.

    • AlokSharma says:

      Never mind, I managed this. This is what I did:
      Added: $postid = url_to_postid( get_permalink() );
      just above: $cat_id = get_cat_ID(‘uncategorized’);
      Added: $mpostid = url_to_postid( get_permalink() );
      just below: while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post();
      Replaced: <option value=”<?php the_permalink() ?>”><?php the_title(); ?></option>
      with: <option value=”<?php the_permalink() ?>”<?php if($postid == $mpostid) echo ” selected”; ?>><?php the_title(); ?></option>
      May or may not be the correct solution but it worked for me.

  11. Kiryuu says:

    Instead of defining the category how do you make it dynamic? so for example if a view a post that belongs to category Apples it should list all posts in category Apple. Or if I’m viewing a post from category Bananas then list posts from bananas. So how can I do this?

  12. Gabesz says:

    I would appreciate if someone could help me. The above code works me well with category that doesn’t include subcategories. In the latter case, it doesn’t matter what I write instead of ‘uncategorized’ it always show all of the posts. (I tried to write my main category name) The separation works only with a single main category. Any idea?

  13. Gabesz says:

    Please delete my previous question. I did not do something well but I have already solved.
    Thanks for this code, it very useful for me!

  14. Thiago Miro says:

    Thank you for the post. It’s one plugin less in my WordPress.

  15. Isa says:

    Thanks a lot for this code. Unfortunately, on my website it’s showing the posts of all categories. Have I done anything wrong? This is my version of the code:

    ‘post_type’ => ‘post’,
    ‘post_status’ => ‘publish’,
    ‘posts_per_page’ => -1,
    ‘caller_get_posts’=> 1
    $my_query = null;
    $my_query = new WP_Query($args);
    if( $my_query->have_posts() ) {

    have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post(); ?>
    <option value="”>Ergebnisse

  16. Patrick says:

    Maybee you can help me with my problem, i looking for kindly the same code but:

    See it as a related post, i choose a category and in a dropdownlist are the tags from that category, at first a visitor see the post list from the category, after choose one of the tags the list is refreched with the tags(from that category)

    Is this possible



  1. 为WordPress某个分类下的日志创建下拉式列表

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