A Simple Magazine Theme on 1stwebdesigner.com

A Simple Magazine, is a free WordPress theme with magazine style. The theme packed with 5 color schemes, 2 unique page layout, 2 custom widget, and more customization option in theme option page, make your website more unique.

Check out the premium version based this theme

A Simple Magazine is provided to user under the open source GPL License, you can use it for all your project or at least use it as a foundation for your next projects for free and without any restrictions. Please link to this article if you would like to spread the world.

[starrater tpl=10]

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16 Comments to “A Simple Magazine Theme on 1stwebdesigner.com”

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  1. dwi says:

    lum ada comment euy………..Za ada yang eror kayaknya di http://www.1stwebdesigner.com/freebies/free-wordpress-theme-a-simple-magazine/ coba di chek bro mungkin versi wamp nya…..

  2. Anawia says:

    Mas dwi saya nyusul. salam kenal buat anda dan pemilik blog ini yang tidak saya sangka ternyata orang indonesia. mudah-mudahan orang indonesia bisa makin berjaya. :)

    • dwidrg says:

      sama-sama mas. amin atas doanya, kita juga berharap bisa jadi tuan rumah di negeri sendir, cuma sekarang sedang dalam proses, membuat tutorial di sini ke dalam bahasa indonesia.

  3. denbagus says:

    manstap template nya mas.. terimakasih sudah berbagi :)

  4. fanoy says:

    mas, gimana cara nambah sidebar category gar jadi 5> postingan. kalo 3 nanggung tuh mas, menggantung bgt

    • reza says:

      di file sidebar.php, lihat kode

      $the_query = new WP_Query(‘showposts=3&orderby=post_date&order=desc&cat=’.$title_id);

      klo pake standar code editor, posisinya di line 27

      ganti angka 3 dgn angka 5

      smoga membantu

      btw salam kenal dr jogja :mrgreen:

  5. fanoy says:

    mas, sy ada masalah lagi pada template ini. kalau saya klik salah satu gambar pada postingan di blog sy. muncul pesan seperti ini: Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string in /home/labelfan/public_html/wp-content/themes/ASimpleMagazine/functions.php on line 157 . . .
    maksudny apa ya? biasany kl klik gambar kan otomatis lsg jadi halaman gambar tu

  6. bengsin says:

    lhoo ?? orang indonesia toh .. waahh .. kerennn

  7. LenteraK says:

    Aduh, sudah nggak bisa di download. Saya mau nyoba.

  8. Yunico Handhian says:

    Webnya bagus sekali…boleh donk kenalan ma pengelola webnya…terutama mas Eko S…
    Tolong pilihkan theme buat saya…mo jualan product amazon nih..hehehee…


  1. A Simple Magazine – Wordpress Themes

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