Simple White Theme

Today we glad to release our new free wordpress theme “Simple White”, this theme is very light, we try to not use a large image, so the time needed to load your site faster. Simple White build with style clean and light a combination black and white color, with a big feature post area and right sidebar.

The theme has a simple design that will perfectly fit for your personal blog and  can be a perfect fit for a unique magazine-style-blog.

The Theme is provided to user under the open source GPL License, you can use it for all your project or at least use it as a foundation for your next projects for free and without any restrictions. Please link to this article if you would like to spread the world.

Simple White theme is released especially to the readers by DynamicWP team.

Download the theme for free!

You may modify the theme as you wish.

[starrater tpl=10]

premium theme


  • Easy to use, with theme option panel.
  • Clean Design.
  • 2 column layout.
  • Right Sidebar.
  • Tabbed sidebar for Popular post, latest post and comments.
  • Horizontal menu for the category.
  • Dropdown menu for sub-category.
  • Separated trackbacks/pingbacks from comments.
  • Gravatar enabled and can be customize (in theme option).
  • Support for threaded comments with nice design.
  • Widget Ready.
  • Compatible with wordpress 2.8.x and 2.9.x.
  • Easy Thumbnail Images With auto-scaling – no custom fields!

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Post title




Dropdown menu


Threaded Comment


Category archieve


Theme Options

LightWeight Options Panel


Finally if you have a problem, input or feedback about  Simple White Theme, feel free to leave a comment here. Your feedback makes us better.

And if you like the theme – you can do one of many things to keep us more happy : Follow us in Twitter,  Tweet about it, subscribe to our feeds or even just leave a nice comment below.

Thanks :)

Credit To Terence Eden for creating XHTML compliant. You can check his post here

23 Comments to “Simple White Theme”

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  1. Connie says:

    why no localization? Why do you not support language-files?

    That is stupid and a pity! The world has many thousand languages!

    • Siddiq says:

      Wow, Connie

      Why so angry? This is one of many themes with many different features that develop over time. Besides, it’s Free!!!

      You seem a bit ungrateful that they didn’t include all the features you want in a “Fee” Theme. Think you could cut them some slack?

      Stupid would be purchasing a theme without the features you want… It’s a pity to bitch about the features of a free theme.

      • Connie says:

        I am angry because WP supports the language feature for so long time now and still I have the work to to edit theme files to get thethe needed language-output.

        Am I “bitching”? I am angry. And it is not ok to criticize free templates? Must I shout “Hurra they still ignore the language feature” ? ;=)

        Is the reason bare ignorance or is it cultural arrogance?

        Please take some time and check WP templates, those without supporting this feature mostly come from american authors, those who support the language feature mostly come from other cultural or geographical background.

        I tell you I prefer to edit language-files with POEDIT than to edit core theme files!

        And the argument that a free template differs from commercial ones is wrong.

        All these feature stuffed free templates, bringing the most actual gimmmicks … there is no real difference to commercial templates and commercial templates also ignore mostly the language feature!

        Adding thousands of Jqueries and Ajax here and Multimedia there – there is no difference between free and commercial and the language ignorance is in both classes.

        Maybe some day the theme developers will understand that language support is better for maintaining and updating good templates than editing the core template files!

        Cheers and Frohe Ostern!

  2. Dear ~
    Wow! It is awesome, simple and smart and so on…
    But I have a question.
    In Live Demo, the first section of main body is similar to second section.
    Some of content being excerpted and image is shown. But full text of first posting is shown in my blog.
    How fix it?
    Have a good day.

    • reza says:

      hello there, glad you like this simple and light theme

      nope, in live demo, the first section post isnt excerpted. it’s using full text. i used read more tag to cut the post

      you can see the image there because i put the post image in the beginning of the post

      • Thank you for your kind and fast reply.
        I want to modify first section like NeatTheme except for color and button.
        But I think it is very difficult for me becasuse I am not programmer.
        Can you help me? plz…..

      • reza says:

        sorry, cant help you this time

        btw, i’ve seen you site and seems the theme has some error with drop down menu and large image.

        i just fixed it.

        you can re-download the theme if you want

        kind regards

  3. Martijn says:


    Great theme!

    Is it possible to not display the big top post on the homepage?
    So just displaying the odd and even boxes instead.

    Thanks in advance for your response.


  4. Amy says:


    Great theme!

    Is it possible to not display the big top post on the homepage?
    So just displaying the odd and even boxes instead.

    Thanks in advance for your response.


  5. Terence Eden says:

    The theme needs some simple changes to make it XHTML compliant. I’ve made these changes in my copy. Do you have an SVN repository where I can share the changes I made?

    • Terence Eden says:


      footer.php – line 8
      Why: Target isn’t a valid XHTML attribute
      From: <p>Powered by <a href=”” target=”_blank”>WordPress</a> | SimpleWhite by <a href=””>Dynamicwp</a></p>

      To: <p>Powered by <a href=”” >WordPress</a> | SimpleWhite by <a href=””>Dynamicwp</a></p>
      index.php – line 63
      Why: The & symbol should be escaped to &amp; when used in URLs. The element needs to be closed. The alt attribute needs to be included.
      From: <img src=”<?php bloginfo(‘template_directory’); ?>/timthumb.php?src=<?php echo catch_that_image(); ?>&w=275&h=120&zc=1″>
      To: <img src=”<?php bloginfo(‘template_directory’); ?>/timthumb.php?src=<?php echo catch_that_image(); ?>&amp;w=275&amp;h=120&amp;zc=1″ alt=”” />

      line 69
      Why: The element needs to be closed
      From: <hr>
      To: <hr />

      sidebar.php – line 24
      Why: The element needs to be closed
      From: <img src=”<?php echo catch_that_image(); ?>”>
      To: <img src=”<?php echo catch_that_image(); ?>” />

      line 26
      Why: The & symbol should be escaped to &amp; when used in URLs. The element needs to be closed. The alt attribute needs to be included.
      From: <img src=”<?php bloginfo(‘template_directory’); ?>/timthumb.php?src=<?php echo catch_that_image(); ?>&w=40&h=40&zc=1″>
      To: <img src=”<?php bloginfo(‘template_directory’); ?>/timthumb.php?src=<?php echo catch_that_image(); ?>&amp;w=40&amp;h=40&amp;zc=1″ alt=”” />

      line 29
      Why: The alt attribute needs to be included.
      From: <img src=”<?php bloginfo(‘template_directory’); ?>/images/noimagesmall.jpg” />
      To: <img src=”<?php bloginfo(‘template_directory’); ?>/images/noimagesmall.jpg” alt=”” />

      line 42
      Why: Error. The <ul> should be </ul> to close the list.
      From: <ul>
      To: </ul>

    • reza says:

      wow, thx for the effort

      that’s really helpful

      i’ll mention this in the article


  6. fanoy says:

    bisa buat 3 widget footer ga mas di tema ini?

  7. fanoy says:

    mas, gambar yg di postingan saya semuanya ko. kalau di klik linknya bukan langsung ke link gambar( tapi semua langsuk masuk ke link ini: ( contoh postingan: . . . untuk postingan terbaru sy sudah ganti link imageny semua. bisa ga kalau smua gambar langsung di ganti atau default pakai link image?

    • Eko S. says:

      Wah mas, kami juga belum tahu solusinya…mungkin terjadi konflik dengan plugin yang telah diinstall.
      Saran : sebaiknya setiap image tidak perlu diberi link, bila memang tidak penting.

      Makasih :)

  8. fanoy says:

    mas, sticky postny bisa dihapus ga? sy pakai featured gallery. kalau ada sticky post jadi melorot kebawah halamannya.

  9. Groho says:

    Simple but looks good.
    I think I should modify this before I use it on my blog :D

    ternyata yang punya orang Indonesia :p


  1. WordPress Theme Releases for 04/01 « Weblog Tools Collection
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  4. Simple White WordPress Free Theme |Free4W-free wallpapers wordpress windows themes
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  6. Simple White – A free wordpress theme | Web Design Updates
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  12. Thème SimpleWhite « STUDIOHCHICHA.COM
  13. Showcase: Simplicity in WordPress Blog Design | DynamicWP
  14. WordPress Theme Releases for 04/01 | WordPress Information Collection
  15. Terence Eden has a Blog » Blog Archive » Making DynamicWP’s Simple White Theme XHTML Compliant
  16. High Quality and Free WordPress Themes - Wordpress Arena
  17. Smasher a Light Blue Theme « Toong DynamicWP

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